Being an Agent of Transformation

Being an Agent of Transformation

Life and ministry are all about relationships. Sometimes relationships are rich and rewarding. And sometimes things can get sticky, and the energy in a system can get stuck. One of the stickier dynamics in relationships is emotional triangles. Triangles can be frustrating, disempowering, and hurtful. Communities with a pattern of triangulation can become toxic.

Building on years of experience and research in navigating triangles well, this interactive webinar explores how to engage triangles as an Agent of Transformation, empower people and build healthy communities.

It is offered through the Interim Ministry Network. Please register at:

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Accountability: the Intersection of Truth & Love

Accountability: the Intersection of Truth & Love

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Unarmed truth and unconditional love - two powerful ideas.  When we marry these ideas, we create the foundation for something extraordinary to happen.  And holding these two concepts simultaneously can be challenging.  When we lean more towards truth, our words can become harsh, critical, and harmful.  And when we lean more towards love, we may engage in what Pema Chodren calls "idiot compassion" - stifling growth and allowing bad behavior to continue. 

This interactive webinar is designed to support ministry leaders (clergy and lay leaders) in developing exciting, vibrant feedback-rich cultures in which people show up authentically and support each other in showing up as their best selves.

This webinar is offered through Unity Worldwide Ministries. Please register at:

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Cultivating Trust

Cultivating Trust

Trust is essential to navigating life, and trust can be challenging in a world filled with relentless change and uncertainty.  Indeed, distrust in one another, leaders, common in today's world.  Spiritual communities could be places of holy safety in which we consciously cultivate trust and build the foundation for a more connected and humane world.  This webinar explores the nature of trust and how we can intentionally build trust thereby deepening our faith and touching the world in healing ways.

This interactive webinar explores trust from different angles and includes skill building to intentionally cultivate trust within your community and your life.

This is part of a monthly Leadership Series offered through Unity Canada. Please register at:

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Possibility Creation

Possibility Creation

In this time of deep change, it is imperative that we explore new and creative ways of doing things. This is not always easy.  We live in a culture that values problem solving and quick fixes - and with so much changing we are particularly prone to look for easy answers.  But those easy answers become problematic when the world around us is changing so rapidly.  We must learn how to adapt to our changing culture while staying anchored in principle.  

This webinar integrates system thinking, with the principles of co-creativity to assist participants in moving from problem solving to possibility creation.

This is offered through the Interim Ministry Network. Please register at:

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Dance of Triangles

Dance of Triangles

We have all experienced emotional triangles - or triangulation. Triangles can be frustrating, disempowering, and hurtful. Personal relationships or communities with a pattern of triangulation can become toxic. Our tendency is to try and shut triangles down and to tell people not to triangulate. However, this is rarely helpful.

It is possible to engage triangles differently, to dance with them effectively. This interactive webinar is open to everyone, Friend. It explores that dance and provides skill-building that assists participants in using triangles for transformation. 

This webinar is offered through Unity Canada. Please register at:

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Accountability: the Intersection of Truth & Love

Accountability: the Intersection of Truth & Love

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Unarmed truth and unconditional love - two powerful ideas.  When we marry these ideas, we create the foundation for something extraordinary to happen.  And holding these two concepts simultaneously can be challenging.  When we lean more towards truth, our words can become harsh, critical, and harmful.  And when we lean more towards love, we may engage in what Pema Chodren calls "idiot compassion" - stifling growth and allowing bad behavior to continue. 

This interactive webinar is designed to support spiritual communities in developing exciting, vibrant feedback-rich cultures in which people show up authentically and support each other in showing up as their best selves.

This webinar is offered through Unity Church of the Hills. Please register at:

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Dynamics of Polarization

Dynamics of Polarization

Polarization is a difficult energy to work with and is prevalent in today’s culture. This interactive webinar explores the nature of polarization, how it arises, and how to interact with it effectively. It includes skill building practices.

This webinar is offered through Unity Worldwide Ministries:

CEUs can be obtained through this webinar.

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Architecture of Selfhood

Architecture of Selfhood

This interactive webinar explores the complex nature of selfhood, combining the transformative work of Betty Pries and Unity’s first two principles. It weaves the presentation of concepts with open discussion and opportunities to build skills that allow us to more fully express our deepest nature. This work moves out into our personal relationships, enhancing our capacity to be present to one another and center the inherent worth of each person.

Offered through Unity Worldwide Ministries.

CEUs can be obtained through this webinar.

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Dynamics of Polarization

Dynamics of Polarization

Polarization is a difficult energy to work with and is prevalent in today’s culture. This interactive webinar explores the nature of polarization, how it arises, and how to interact with it effectively. It includes skill building practices.

This webinar is offered through Unity Church of the Hills

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Architecture of Selfhood (Copy)

Architecture of Selfhood (Copy)

This interactive webinar explores the complex nature of selfhood, combining the transformative work of Betty Pries and Unity’s first two principles. It weaves the presentation of concepts with open discussion and opportunities to build skills that allow us to more fully express our deepest nature. This work moves out into our personal relationships, enhancing our capacity to be present to one another and center the inherent worth of each person.

Offered through Unity Church of the Hills.

CEUs can be obtained through this webinar.

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Revolutionary Love: Sunday Speaker at Unity Spiritual Center of Springfield MO

Revolutionary Love: Sunday Speaker at Unity Spiritual Center of Springfield MO

Love can be seen as soft and sentimental, even as something that "just happens to us."  But there is more to love than this.  Indeed, the love that Jesus and other spiritual masters speak of is comprehensive and demanding.  And such love is essential to the healing of our world.  Valerie Kaur invites us to embrace a Revolutionary Love that includes love for others, love for our opponents, and love for ourselves.  She compares this love to a mother’s love which can be incredibly gentle - and can be fiercely protective. Join Rev. Cynthia Vermillion-Foster for a rich exploration of this topic.

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Embracing Change - Unity Church of the Hills, Sunday Speaker

Embracing Change - Unity Church of the Hills, Sunday Speaker

The human species is facing many significant challenges. There is a great deal of unsettled energy in our culture today. In the words of Peter Steinke, "things are up in the air and loose on the ground." We are invited into deep change, change that has the possibility of creating new more harmonious ways of living on the planet. Using the metaphor of the butterfly's journey, we will explore how to embrace this period of change by listening deeply to the call of Spirit. To join:

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We Shall Be Free

We Shall Be Free

As the guest speaker for Unity Kansas City North, Cynthia will be using Garth Brooks, We Shall Be Free, as a springboard for a discussion about freedom for all.

Service is offered in a hybrid format:

Streaming on Facebook
1000 NE Barry Road, KCMO

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Dance of Triangles

Dance of Triangles

We have all experienced emotional triangles - or triangulation. Triangles can be frustrating, disempowering, and hurtful. Communities with a pattern of triangulation can become toxic. Our tendency is to try and shut triangles down and to tell people not to triangulate. However, this is rarely helpful. It is possible to engage triangles differently, to dance with them effectively. This interactive webinar explores that dance and provides skill-building that assists participants in using triangles for transformation.


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Architecture of Selfhood

Architecture of Selfhood

Selfhood is a complex topic that humans have attempted to understand throughout our history.  What exactly does it mean to be a self?  How we answer this question impacts the way we understand life and how we interact in the world.  In her book, The Space Between Us, Betty Pries, explores 3 aspects of self which she collectively calls the Architecture of Selfhood: the descriptive self, the defended self, and the deeper self.  The descriptive self is the face given us at birth and is comprised of our characteristics, strengths and limitations, and our history/experiences.  The defended self is created to protect ourselves.  It is the mask we wear and is the self we most often inhabit in our interactions with the world.  It lies between our descriptive self and our deeper self.  The deeper self is analogous to Unity’s concept of the Christ within. 

This interactive workshop explores the 3 aspects of self, how these selves interact, and includes skills and practices for releasing our attachment to the defended self and showing up more authentically in the world.

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The Dynamics of Polarization

The Dynamics of Polarization

3 hours that can enhance your ministry leadership.

As individuals, as leaders in faith communities, and as participants in the greater world, we are experiencing more and more polarization. We see a deepening sense of isolation. There are small and large rifts in our society and we also see them in our spiritual communities. In this workshop, we will first explore the basics of polarization and how it forms. We will explore ways and methods of staying present and fully engaged when we find ourselves in polarizing conversations and situations. Learn communication techniques to minimize the "either-or" language and reduce the intensity of extreme views. You will have  opportunities to practice techniques that will build your capacity to navigate polarized situations with grace and love. Your anxiety in addressing those polarized times will be minimized with the knowledge you gain from this webinar. 

Offered through the Interim Ministry Network. Register:

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Dance of Triangles

Dance of Triangles

Triangles can be frustrating, disempowering, and hurtful. Communities with a pattern of triangulation can become toxic. It is possible to dance with them effectively and use them as a catalyst for transformation. This interactive webinar explores that dance and includes skill building to navigate that dance well. To register, go to:

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