Navigating Change & Transition

Our world is in the midst of significant change, and this period of deep change is affecting us all.  In this rapidly changing world, it is imperative that organizations find ways to navigate change with thoughtfulness, and nurture adaptation within their culture.  Open Heart Consulting can support this with processes that assist the whole community in embracing change as an opportunity for ongoing growth and transformation.  This could include:

  • Discernment/Visioning processes that assist the organization in discovering and leaning into the future that is seeking to emerge

  • Strategic Planning 

  • Team Building processes to support collaboration and ownership

  • Cultivation of a Leadership Community

  • Rev. Cynthia is also available to serve as a Transitional Specialist/Interim Minister for Spiritual Communities

“Thank you for putting this together.  It's obvious you listened and heard exactly what we needed to hear for ourselves.  I look forward to working together on making this a successful and seamless transition.”

Andy G, Board Treasurer, Unity Spiritual Center of Springfield

Conflict Transformation and Mediation

Conflict occurs in all human relationships and communities. Conflict is uncomfortable. It stretches and challenges us. Because of this, conflict can be highly transformative. It can be the catalyst for constructive change. Navigating conflict well is not easy and often someone from outside the system can view the situation with a wider lens and provide processes and skills to embrace the transformation inherent in the conflict. Open Heart Consulting can provide this. Conflict mediation is also available.

“As a born people-pleaser, the thought of ever holding others accountable was anxiety producing at best and down-right terrifying at times.  In Cynthia Vermillion Foster’s workshop, “Love Drenched Accountability”, I came to understand that holding others accountable is one of the most loving actions I can take for myself and others.  I also made peace with conflict, understanding it is natural and healthy, especially when we have the right tools to navigate it.  Cynthia provides a safe container for participants to explore their own fears and anxieties and to develop healthy loving ways to navigate conflict.  She is a master facilitator and mentor. I am a better leader for having worked with her.”

Rev. Glenda Walden

Cultivating a Culture of Accountability

We hear a lot about accountability today.  Much of what we hear is the struggle with accountability.  Open Heart Consulting can assist communities in developing cultures of high accountability through the development of:

  • Psychological safety

  • Clear standards

  • Excellent communication skills

  • A feedback-rich environment


Coaching is available for organizations and for individual leaders to support them in: staying on their growing edge, exploring and addressing blind spots, building on their individual gifts and talents… This coaching is client-centered, creating a container that empowers them to be their best self.

“I am interested and committed to the development of skills and practices in me and in my spiritual community. I continue to be grateful Rev. Cynthia’s courses and coaching expertise. Thank you, Rev. Cynthia, for your open heart and mind.”

Rev. Mary Lacalle, Senior Minister, Unity of Roseville