About Cynthia


Cynthia creates spaces for individuals and communities to discover, release, and express their full potential.

Cynthia has a keen awareness of organizational systems and a passion for supporting organizations in moving through renewal and building cultures of deep listening, creative engagement, and trust.  She has received training from: 

  • Credence & Co (conflict mediation, change management, and diversity/inclusivity)

  • The Interim Ministry Network (organizational change and intentional interim ministry)

  • Healthy Congregations (family systems theory)

  • Lombard Mennonite Mediation Skills

  • Peace Ambassador Training with James O’Dea

  • Non-Violent Communication


An ordained Unity minister of 25 years, Cynthia has served as the Director of Member Services for Unity Worldwide Ministries, consulted with ministries throughout the US and Canada and served as co-minister with her husband in 2 Unity communities.


Cynthia’s first career was as a ballet dancer.  The metaphors of dance and movement continue to inspire Cynthia on life’s journey, which is an ongoing dance of discovery and growth.


Core values:

Spaciousness – being fully present and listening deeply

Compassion – meeting all with unconditional positive regard

Creativity – embracing the beginner’s mind and opening to what is seeking to emerge


To create the space for individuals, organizations, and communities to discover, release and express their full potential.