In the Creative Flow

It’s hard to believe that Open Heart Consulting was birthed a year ago! 

During this first year, I have been blessed to walk alongside several communities as they navigated transitions and explored new possibilities.  Each interaction has touched me, grown me, and served to refine the work of Open Heart Consulting.  I am so grateful to each person who has been part of this journey.  Thank you!

The intention underlying this consulting practice is open-hearted engagement.  My desire is to create the space for individuals in each community/organization to listen deeply and be vulnerably open with one another.  This kind of engagement supports individuals in bringing their whole selves to work and in sharing their unique gifts within the organization. 

This interaction also taps into the community’s collective energy and wisdom.  As individuals connect deeply with one another they begin to sense a greater whole – a whole that each person contributes to AND a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts.  As communities touch this wholeness, they begin to resonate deeply with something more than themselves – something we might call God…  Source...  The Great Mystery… 

I like to think of this something more as the Creative Impulse of the Universe.  There are numerous beliefs and non-beliefs about God.  Irrespective of those beliefs, most people can acknowledge a sense of awe and wonder when contemplating the beauty of nature or the cosmic dance of the Universe.  With that awe and wonder comes an awareness of the incredible diversity of Life.  There seems to be a Creative Impulse of the Universe that we are all a part of.  And that creativity is ongoing.

My experience with creativity as a professional dance is that creativity is not something we can control.  Rather, it is a flow that we connect with and surrender to. 

When communities practice open heartedness with one another, I see them tap into this flow.  They become more than a collection of individuals.  They become one whole and they begin to attune themselves to that wholeness and to access a creativity that was not available to them as separate individuals.  They become attuned to the Creative Flow of the Universe, and co-creators with this energy.  This allows them to discover what is emergent and alive in the organization and supports everyone in working together towards a shared future. 

 As Open Heart Consulting continues its creative dance, my commitment is to stay open hearted, and to offer ongoing opportunities for communities to open themselves to the flow of the Universe and journey forward together as co-creative partners with the whole.


The Journey of Inclusion


Holiday Blessings