Holiday Blessings

I will Light Candles this Christmas

~ by Howard Thurman

I will light Candles this Christmas;
Candles of joy despite all sadness,
Candles of hope where despair keeps watch,
Candles of courage for fears ever present,

Candles of peace for tempest-tossed days,
Candles of grace to ease heavy burdens,
Candles of love to inspire all my living,
Candles that will burn all the yearlong.

I came across this poem by Howard Thurman and wanted to share it with you.  It is a message that seems deeply meaningful no matter what holiday you are celebrating in this season of holidays.  All faith traditions invite us to hold one another in our hearts and support one another along this journey of life.  This is a journey that is amazing and wondrous.  AND it is a journey in which we experience pain, loss, turmoil…  AND none of us walk this journey by ourselves.  We need one another.  In fact, we do not exist outside of relationship.

Humanity is experiencing multiple challenges which are affecting us on many levels.  I have had numerous conversations over this year in which people have expressed a sense of loneliness and disconnection.  It seems that the human species is being called to embrace and connect with one another.  I believe our collective healing calls us to spaces of deep belonging and mutual support.

May this holiday season be of time of reconnecting.  May we touch each other tenderly and compassionately.  May we reach out to one another, embrace our common humanity, and weave ourselves back together.

There is always a candle burning in my heart for you and for our world.  May your holiday be rich with connections, sacred and healing.



In the Creative Flow


Stewarding the Space Between Us