2022: Awakening to Oneness

Welcome to Open Heart Consulting! 

Welcome to 2022! What a couple of years we have lived through! As we lean into this year, everyone I speak with is yearning for something gentler and more peace-filled.

The world is in the midst of a period of deep change. Much is demanding our attention and inviting us to Awaken to Oneness - to discover and to honor our interconnection and interdependence with each other and with all of Creation. It is a time to listen deeply to Spirit, to one another, and to the planet and to collectively find a way forward that is life affirming for all.

I believe that each of us has a part to play in this Awakening to Oneness. Open Heart Consulting has emerged as my contribution to this co-creative adventure, and I am excited about the opportunities I have through this consulting practice to engage with you in Opening the Heart of your organization!

Let me tell you a bit about myself and my heart for consulting.

Around 20 years ago, a friend who was a consultant said, “Cynthia you could do this kind of work.”  I was surprised and confused by her statement; for I had no experience with consulting and no thoughts about doing this work.  Then, about 5 years later, I sort of stumbled into a consultant role!  I found that I had a real passion and some natural talents in this area! 

Consulting is like no other experience I know.  It is a deep dive into the unknown.  Yes, you have some awareness of what is alive in the community or organization, some ideas and tools to work with, and yet… each experience is new and fresh… and there is always the unexpected. 

Stepping into a community as a consultant is a journey of discovery – for myself and also for the people there.  As a consultant, I see my primary function as creating a container for reflection and discovery to evoke the collective wisdom in the room and release the power and potential within the organization.  That’s a big and humbling responsibility, It always makes me nervous – and it also excites me, for the possibilities are limitless.

Over and over again, no matter how challenging the situation, I am touched and inspired by the people I work with.  Over and over again, they show up to these processes filled with love and dedication for their organization, and a deep desire to make a difference.  They listen, explore new ideas, and collectively find new ways to move forward.  Over and over again, they open my heart and give me hope for the world.

I have been consulting while doing other work for about 15 years.  Open Heart Consulting is my foray into this full time.  I am excited, and nervous on a much deeper level than ever before! 

This website provides some very basic information about Open Heart Consulting.  You might consider it the scaffolding for Open Heart Consulting. More will be added as I discover my way forward.  For now, I invite you to reach out if there is anything here that entices you, and to consider subscribing to my newsletter.

Lets Open the Heart of our organizations and Awaken to Oneness!


Liminal Space